I'm so unhappy.
So unhappy with work. Feeling so stressful
Stupid politics, it didn't happen until you came.
It's like to the extend that I feel like quitting.
Pay raise?, no that doesn't motivate me at all.
I get to know that a lot of my colleagues were having
same feeling as I do. Some are like older than me in the com.
To say the truth, I'm seriously unhappy with my manager as well.
Laughs, hopes she don't see this :/
Maybe Im still young, this kind of things doesn't look attractive
Trying to get people side you and pulling others down
Or making them look bad isn't a good thing to do.
Although you're not directly affecting me I still feel s t r e s s .
No one wants to fight with you over a tittle.
You can go ahead to get it.
My poor colleague..
If anyone is to fight over the tittle with you
I don't think I will lose.
We are just a small company, I hope the happiness continues
Xuele is still xuele, unable to change even I tried so hard.